Welcome Message

 The 50th meeting of Japanese Society for Joint Diseases will be held for two days, from October 21st to the 22nd, 2022, at the "Toki Messe" Niigata Convention Center in Niigata City. The Society will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2022, counting from 1973, when its predecessor, the Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society, was established. I am very honored and humbled to be in charge of this society, with its long and storied history.
 The name of this society was changed to the Japanese Society of Rheumatism and Joint Surgery in 1981 and the Japanese Society for Joint Diseases in 2007. It is an academic society that deals with a wide range of joint diseases, focusing on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) at its inauguration but later expanding to include osteoarthritis and arthritis other than RA. Based on the history of this society, which our predecessors have built up over the past 50 years, we have striven to hold conferences where we can present and discuss our research frankly and promote innovative ideas for the future. I would like to make the society even more attractive to young orthopedic surgeons. In addition, cooperation with physicians and collaboration with rehabilitation staff and nurses are extremely important for the treatment of joint diseases. We would thus like to invite medical staff to actively participate in the society and learn from one another.
 The theme of this year’s meeting is “Challenge‼the New Normal”. Over the past two years, the coronavirus pandemic has spread all over the world, bringing about changes in not only society and the economy but also people's lifestyles. The 48th and 49th conferences had to be held virtually while Japan was practicing self-restraint. When we will be able to completely escape from the corona crisis remains unclear, but we must continue to promote the acquisition of herd immunity through vaccination and overcome this pandemic. In the future post-corona. We hope, through this experience, to build a new convention style that takes advantage of the mutual merits of face-to-face and remote meetings. The advent of this “new normal” presents quite a challenge. We hope to eventually return to a lively academic society atmosphere where members can interact directly and have fun, discuss their goals, and converse freely. We will do our utmost to make the conference satisfying to the attendants and ask for your continued understanding and support.
 Niigata in October is blessed with mild weather as well as delicious rice, sake, and seafood dishes. Once the coronavirus pandemic is behind us, we invite you to enjoy the food culture of Niigata while attending the conference. We sincerely look forward to welcoming you to Niigata.
